67 Giants At Indians, October 1, 1954, When 111 Wins Isn't Enough

15 January 2024

Album art features Cleveland Stadium.

The Cleveland Indians were the team to beat in 1954, and frankly, nobody in the American League that year showed anything like the form needed to offer a consistent challenge. With a record of 111-43, the Indians walked away with the pennant and a record of .721—a record in the shorter 154-game seasons.

They were the clear favorites going into the 1954 World Series, so it was a shock to lose two on the road to the New York Giants. With Game 3 in Cleveland, it was time to regain control from the Giants and get back on track to win the World Series. At least, that's what the Lakefront crowd hoped for.

We've got Al Helfer and Jimmy Dudley taking us through the third game of the Fall Classic.

You can find the boxscore here.

This game was played on October 1, 1954.